Saturday Jul 27, 2024

Which software is best for UI UX design?

Which Software is Best for UI/UX Design? Are you on the hunt for the best available software to design user interfaces and user experiences? With the rapid growth of technology and the increased demand for digital services, UI/UX design has become an essential part of any digital product. It’s the part of product design that […]

Is UI UX design a good career?

Is UI UX Design a Good Career? For many professionals in the tech industry, UI UX design has become a desirable career choice. The field is fast-paced, exciting, and offers a variety of opportunities for design-minded individuals. But is UI UX design a good career choice? In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons […]

How do I become a UI UX designer?

How to Become a UI/UX Designer UI/UX design is an exciting and rewarding career that combines creative problem solving with technical knowledge. As a UI/UX designer, you will have the opportunity to work with major companies to develop user interfaces and user experiences that make products easy to use and enjoyable to interact with. But […]

What is UI and UX design?

What is UI and UX Design? UI and UX design are two essential components of any successful website, app, or software. UI, or user interface design, focuses on the look and feel of a product, while UX, user experience design, focuses on how the product works. Together, these two concepts ensure that a product is […]

Web design trends

Large images It’s not just text that’s getting bigger – images too! It was once important to limit the size of images due to limited network bandwidth, but over time this problem has become less and less relevant. As a result, large images filled the Internet. Images will take center stage with exciting new features. […]

Modern stage of web design development

Layout automation There has always been a division of labor in web development: designers tinkered with the look, and coders made sure everything worked. But that process is changing as web design tools become smarter, more powerful, and more ambitious. Designers today can create websites without writing a single line of code, using the same […]

UX Design in Designing a car search and rental service

1.Determining the purpose and needs of the business. Competitor analysisI started working on the web service with the creation of a project document, in which I began to collect the necessary information on the topic – everything in one place, it’s brilliant! For 6 weeks, the document was constantly supplemented, important clarifications were made and […]

UX design trends

UX design is the design of an interface based on user experience and behavior research. A UX designer studies the needs of users, builds the logic of the interface, conducts prototype tests on the target audience, and draws up a technical task for the UI designer. It is important to understand that the result of […]

Popular UI design tools

Depth in chart Flat and static graphics can be more understandable until users get bored. People like to see more live content. Shadows and layers in graphics give them a 3D effect, add volume and depth, so people can enjoy more realistic images. This trend can be applied to any element, creating a hierarchy of […]

UI design trends for 2023

Animation Video content has overtaken static graphics in popularity in recent years. Just count how much time each of us spends watching TikTok, YouTube and other platforms. The reason for this is pretty obvious. Video content and animations are more engaging and interactive. Unlike flat pictures with long descriptions, animations keep the user’s attention and […]

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