Saturday Jul 27, 2024

UX Design in Designing a car search and rental service

design ux

1.Determining the purpose and needs of the business.

Competitor analysis
I started working on the web service with the creation of a project document, in which I began to collect the necessary information on the topic – everything in one place, it’s brilliant!

For 6 weeks, the document was constantly supplemented, important clarifications were made and all the details were recorded.

In a commercial order, such a project document helps me show the client the process and intermediate results of the work, which increases the involvement of the client and feedback from him.

2.Target audience research

During the research phase, I collected information from respondents through Google Forms and through interviews. 18 people completed the survey

3. User profile

The conducted research helped me analyze the information received and work out the profile of a potential user for a web service.

This is a character that brings together all the information on the topic, potential problems, pains, goals and wishes for car rental

4.Compilation of CJM

compiled a Customer Journey Map (user path), where I laid out in detail the entire process of finding a car and renting it

The tool displays what path the user is currently taking on the site and helps to understand:

what actions the user performs at each step;
key points important to the user;
what problems arise;
What are some ideas to solve these problems.

5.Problem analysis and idea generation

At this stage, I began to analyze all the problems in detail, once again returned to the analysis of competitors, found interesting solutions that would help in designing a web service.

6.Product operation logic (User Flow) and user scenarios

Now, with enough information and ideas, it was necessary to design the logic of the service and user scenarios of a potential user

User scenarios are some stories about how the main character performs actions or achieves his goals with the help of a product, the functionality of which is grouped in a table with requirements and displayed in User Flow.

I did User Flow in XMind, I recommend it for work, it’s very convenient. Green blocks denoted the main path of the user on the site, gray blocks – additional actions outside the service


The prototype is the foundation of the future service. It is especially great if you make an interactive prototype, which allows you to show the customer how the interaction will take place on the site visually.

Prototyping turned out to be the easiest step, since all the information was already there, the logic was written, and it only remained to display it graphically.

Adam Moritz

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