Saturday Jul 27, 2024

Modern stage of web design development

design web

Layout automation

There has always been a division of labor in web development: designers tinkered with the look, and coders made sure everything worked. But that process is changing as web design tools become smarter, more powerful, and more ambitious.

Designers today can create websites without writing a single line of code, using the same powerful functionality of their graphics programs and getting W3C-valid, clean code.

This marks a paradigm shift that lowers the entry barrier for designers, who now have easy solutions to design and implement modern, professional websites for their clients.

While they focus on the quality of their design, the algorithms behind the chosen platform are being improved to make sure this work is still relevant. Of course, there will always be a need for web programmers, but their area of ​​responsibility is gradually moving away from front-end development.

Flexible typography

The emphasis on content plays the role of a pronounced attempt to represent the word in accordance with evolving typographical principles.

The reality is that typography on the web is very different from print, and in 2015 we will finally get rid of the latest old-fashioned beliefs that still make text look too small and dense on most sites.

This is nothing new: although the concept has been discussed since 2006, the design community is in no hurry to adapt. It’s hard to part with the principles that have guided you in design for many years.

There are three main aspects that affect the readability of text on a website:
– The size
– Column Width
– Row height

Research has repeatedly shown that larger font sizes make for easier reading on the web. Designers have already begun implementing flexible typography with responsive images and structures in their work. Text must always look its best, regardless of platform.

Adam Moritz

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