Saturday Jul 27, 2024

Modern stage of web design development

Layout automation There has always been a division of labor in web development: designers tinkered with the look, and coders made sure everything worked. But that process is changing as web design tools become smarter, more powerful, and more ambitious. Designers today can create websites without writing a single line of code, using the same […]

UI design trends for 2023

Animation Video content has overtaken static graphics in popularity in recent years. Just count how much time each of us spends watching TikTok, YouTube and other platforms. The reason for this is pretty obvious. Video content and animations are more engaging and interactive. Unlike flat pictures with long descriptions, animations keep the user’s attention and […]

Fall fun with your furry friends

Fall can be a beautiful time to get outdoors—and why not take your dog (or in my case, dogs) with you!? Kalico’s mascots, Kai and Bruce, love being outdoors in the fall—whether it’s hiking in Gambrill Park, running next to us bicycling, or even taking a boat ride down the Potomac!

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