Saturday Jul 27, 2024

Fall fun with your furry friends

Fall can be a beautiful time to get outdoors—and why not take your dog (or in my case, dogs) with you!? Kalico’s mascots, Kai and Bruce, love being outdoors in the fall—whether it’s hiking in Gambrill Park, running next to us bicycling, or even taking a boat ride down the Potomac!

Check out the latest issue of The Virginia Maryland Dog magazine (one of our favorite clients!) for a full list of ways to be active with your canine friends this fall. It combines three of our favorite things—the outdoors, being active/healthy and DOGS!

(Pictured above: Kalico’s mascots, Kai and Bruce, on their first boat ride along the Potomac River…it’s a miracle nobody (human OR dog) ended up in the water!)

Adam Moritz

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