Saturday Jul 27, 2024

Inspirations from the power conference

Last week, I attended The Power Conference, a 1-day conference dedicated to women in business. Produced by the Women Business Consortium (made up of groups from around the Maryland, DC and Northern Virginia region), the conference was a wonderful event filled with a variety of workshops, roundtables, presentations and networking opportunities. Here is a brief summary of inspirational tidbits gathered from the conference:

  1. Your brand is what EVERYONE ELSE is saying about your business, NOT just what you’re saying about yourself. (Melanie Spring, Sisarina)
  2. Confidence is the stuff that turns thoughts into actions. (Katty Kay, BBC)
  3. If you don’t think you can accomplish it — you won’t. If you think you can — you might!
    (Beth Berman, BPB Solutions)
  4. Branding isn’t what you do—it’s what you REALLY do. (what makes you different?).
    (Melanie Spring, Sisarina)
  5. Train yourself to always counter a negative thought with three positive thoughts
    (Katty Kay, BBC)
  6. It’s ok to say no. In fact, sometimes NO is a complete sentence.
  7. Rock Your Content! Great content consists engages, inspires, motivates and educates. In order to produce great content, you have to be inspired yourself. Otherwise, you’re just doing good content. (Melanie Spring, Sisarina)
  8. The goal is not to be good at social media. The goal is to be good at business THROUGH social media. (via Sasse Agency)
  9. Think Less. Act More. BE AUTHENTIC. (Katty Kay, BBC)

Adam Moritz

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